What is Arduino?

Arduino is a tool for the design and development of embedded computer systems, consisting of a simple open hardware design for a single-board microcontroller, with embedded I/O support and a standard programming language. Arduino hardware is programmed using a Wiring-based language (syntax + libraries), similar to C++ with some simplifications and modifications,and aProcessing-based and IDE.The workshop will consist of Fundamentals of Programming Interactivity,Creative Coding and hardware interfacing using the kit(optional).

Topics to be covered in Workshop


  • Starting with embedded systems
  • AVR Microcontroller Programming
  • Arduino jargon and terms
  • Arduino Basics
  • Arduino Architecture
  • Arduino board layout. What are the resources available

Programming fundamentals ( C language )
Project 1: Simple LED Program
Project 2: LED Blinking
Project 3: RGB Interfacing & Traffic Light Control
Project 4: IR Sensor, DC Motor Interfacing & Automated Door Opening System
Project 5: LCD Interfacing
Project 6: Interfacing Bluetooth Module
Project 7: Control Electronics Devices using Android Smartphone & Arduino
Project 8: Voice Controlled Home Automation System.

Duration: The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days, with eight hour session each day in a total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hands on sessions.